

项目概述 The Department of 心理学 provides courses in the fundamental areas of study that comprise the science of behavior. The psychology department encourages students to participate in experiential learning opportunities in the form of re搜索 seminars, 独立学习, and internships in addition to traditional coursework. 学生 are also encouraged to take courses in the arts and sciences that improve their verbal, 定量, and critical reasoning abilities.

The Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) is intended for students planning careers in areas other than psychology or related sciences. A B.A. in psychology can be completed as part of many pre-professional programs of study, 包括为商业, 法律系的, 前社会工作. 学生 should work with their advisers to assure selection of courses most compatible with their 教育al and career objectives.

The program of study leading to a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree with a major in psychology is intended for students who anticipate attending graduate school in psychology or related sciences. The course requirements reflect the breadth and rigor necessary to prepare for the 研究生 Record Examinations (GRE) and graduate study.

教师 All nine faculty members of the psychology department hold their doctorates, and several completed postdoctoral study before joining the faculty. They represent the major areas of the discipline and are committed 老师 and scholars.

学术准备 Although no specific high school classes are required, a challenging high school curriculum consisting of science, 数学, and English courses is strongly recommended.

专业要求 A B.A. in psychology requires 39 hours of psychology coursework while a B.S. requires 39 hours of psychology coursework and 12 hours of additional coursework in sciences other than psychology.

未成年人要求 A minimum of 22 credit hours of courses offered by the Department of 心理学. A minimum grade-point average of 2.0 in psychology courses must be achieved, and courses taken on a credit/no credit basis may not be used for the minor.

威尼斯人网上娱乐课程 威尼斯人网上娱乐课程, required of all undergraduates, is designed to help students meet personal and professional goals as they acquire fundamental knowledge and abilities in ten Areas of Inquiry, including communication, 批判性思维, 艺术体验, historical consciousness, information and technology literacy, international and multicultural experiences, scientific and 定量 literacy, 价值观和道德规范, and engaged citizenship. 学生 work closely with their academic advisers to craft a program of study in general 教育 that prepares students for civic and professional leadership.

威尼斯人网上娱乐课程 also requires a 第一年研讨会, which fosters development of 批判性思维 and written and oral communication 技能 through a topical focus, and a Senior Capstone in which students demonstrate the capacity to bring information, 技能, and ideas to bear on one project.

实习 & 机会 实习 are of great importance, particularly if a student is interested in applied psychology (clinical, 咨询, industrial/organizational specialties). Student involvement in re搜索 is offered in laboratories and through individualized studies. Bachelor of Science students are encouraged to take a re搜索 seminar (PSY 198) and/or 独立学习 (PSY 190, 191). Drake has excellent human and animal re搜索 facilities, including a microcomputer laboratory and a completely equipped EEG laboratory. 实习 are also available at a number of hospitals, mental health/social service agencies, and 业务es in the Des Moines area.

职业选择 The psychology major prepares students for careers in psychology, 法律, 医学, 社会工作, 业务, 教育, 和研究. Psychologists work as psychotherapists, 咨询顾问, 老师, 研究人员, and administrators in a variety of settings including community mental health agencies, 小学, 大学, 和公司.

荣誉 The department recognizes outstanding undergraduate students by presenting annual achievement awards for excellence in academic performance and for significant contributions in experimental and applied psychology.

STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS AND ACTIVITIES Qualified students may join 威尼斯人网上娱乐’s chapter of Psi Chi, the national honor society in psychology.


  • Srdan Kobsa, 2003年毕业,硕士.D./Ph.D. program, Yale University, New Haven, Conn.
  • Alan Anticevic, AS'04, Ph.D program, clinical psychology, Washington University, St. 路易
  • 艾伦·罗泽克,07年毕业,博士.D. program, cognitive psychology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kan.
  • Molly Larson, AS'04, Ph.D. program, clinical and cognitive psychology, Emory University, Atlanta
