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FYS Student Home Page

First-Year Seminars are distinguished by their small size, interactive format, emphasis on oral and writing communication, 批判性思维和信息素养与主题焦点. FYS计划旨在为新生创建一个社区,并让新生从入学的第一天起就沉浸在令人兴奋的智力文化中.

Purpose and Objective:

第一年的研讨会满足威尼斯人网上娱乐课程的要求. The Drake Curriculum Handbook states:

“所有从高中直接进入威尼斯人网上娱乐的学生或完成少于30个小时的大学课程的学生在入学的第一年都要完成一年级研讨会. 第一年的研讨会是以学生为中心的学习经历,涉及批判性思维和书面和口头沟通技巧. 通过一个主题的焦点,他们培养分析方法和创造力的理解."

Additional Support for Student Writing:

寻求写作帮助的学生可以通过写作工作坊安排与写作导师的预约. The Writing Workshop is located in Howard 227. 约会是可在白天和晚上的时间. Evening appointments meet in Cowles Library. 如对写作工作坊有任何疑问,请致电271-2729. Students may also make appointments for the Writing Workshop.

Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty:

下面的链接连接到学生档案办公室, 关于学术诚信的声明可以在大学的学术条例页面上找到 Undergraduate Catalog.

Academic Integrity Policy:

第一年研讨会计划支持并加强所有奖学金的诚实理念. Plagiarism is a serious offense to this ideal. 预计所有的写作和奖学金将是学生自己的创造. 适当地引用他人的作品或想法总是被期望的. Copying another author's work will not be tolerated, will result in a zero grade for the work, 并可能导致学生必须重新参加第一年的研讨会要求.

违规行为将按照导师所在学院/学校的规定进行评估. 由不隶属于某一特定学校/学院的教师教授的课程, the procedures of the College of Arts & Sciences will be followed. For comprehensive information, please see:


一年级研讨会(FYS)或跨学科(INTD)课程中,希望挑战讲师评分做法的学生, may appeal for a change of their final grade, using the following guidelines and procedures.

Reasons for Appeal


  1. 教师在澳门威尼斯人网站上或书写上的错误,对学生的成绩有负面影响. 
  2. The grading being arbitrary, 反复无常或超出公认的标准,对学生的成绩造成负面影响. Possible examples: work is graded differently than stated in the rubric; final grades are calculated with a different method than stated on the syllabus, etc.
  3. 这次评估的标准与班上其他学生的不同, resulting in a negative impact on the student’s grade. Possible examples:  some students were permitted to submit late work without penalty and others were not; extra credit opportunities were provided to some, but not all students, etc.

如果学生认为收到的分数是基于歧视, harassment, or related retaliation, as defined and prohibited by Drake policy, 学生应启动相关政策中规定的投诉澳门威尼斯人网站: 非歧视及歧视骚扰政策(非性别), or Sexual Harassment Policy

To be clear, 学生不得因不同意教师对学生的表现或作业质量或是否达到课程标准的专业判断而对最终成绩提出上诉.  

学生必须提供足够的证据来支持他们的上诉如何满足一个或多个上诉理由, 不能提供证据可能会导致上诉被驳回. 

Timeline for Appeal

学生必须在注册主任公布的最终成绩提交截止日期后的十(10)个工作日内向导师发起申诉澳门威尼斯人网站.  申诉澳门威尼斯人网站是由学生首先向教师寻求解决方案发起的.

我们预计,即使不是全部,大多数申诉将在学生和他们的导师之间得到解决. 如果学生和老师在上诉过程的任何步骤达成协议, 上诉已经结束,不得再上诉. If the student and instructor do not reach an agreement, 学生可以要求召开一次会议,由副教务长负责, the instructor, and the student are present. 

学生必须在与导师会面后五天内向副教务长提出此要求. At this meeting, 学生将有机会解释他们的立场,并出示相关文件的人. 副教务长应准备一份关于问题及其事实调查结果的书面摘要,并应根据上述标准确定上诉的最终解决方案.  副教务长将在会议后3天内向各方提供最终决定.

Steps in FYS or INTD Appeal

Student Appeals to Instructor

Instructor Responds & Meeting Takes Place

Student Appeals to Deputy Provost via Email

Meeting between Instructor, Student, Deputy Provost

Deputy Provost Decision

Max # of Days

Within 10 days of final grades posted

Within 5 days

Within 5 days

Within 5 days

Within 3 days


Contact Information:

First-Year Seminar Program: Jimmy Senteza
Administrative Operations Specialist: Madison Bemus

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